A Central Oasis

The busy intersection of California and Polk Streets is the north gate of the Polk Alleyways District, which punctuates the westernmost cable car stop in San Francisco. The landscape designed by INTERSTICE Architects complements this new, thoughtfully conceived building by David Baker.  A multifamily unit residence creates our neighborhood canvas for a spacious new corner streetscape, while providing a new festoon lit alleyway access off of Polk Street that leads into a semi-private courtyard: an oasis at the center of the project.

Unfolding Organization

The courtyard is a pinwheel of programs designed around a central, nest-like intimate seating element.  Around this custom wood enclosure, which undulates and unfolds under a grove of deciduous trees, are organized an exterior living room space, a restaurant view-scape, a yoga studio deck, and a mini dog-run for the building’s pets. The court connects the two entry levels on this sloped site from California and Polk Streets along a second planted exterior pathway. This path ascends from the inner court though an open air atrium up a planted stairwell to reach the California Street lobby paseo

Green Meanders

Along the wire structures, vines climb to provide privacy and vertical green walls throughout the enfilade spaces. Alongside this green space, cut logs become pavers that lead the eye into the lushly planted areas meant to allow a more intimate, slow access to the courtyard complex, whether enjoying a brief pause in the space or meandering along the pathways. The grove’s shaded nest is both a furnishing and social concentrator: residents can choose to perch solitarily, or join in small groups. This quiet open space is perfect for imaginative play by the younger members of the extended housing community.  

Garden Respite

This densely populated area of San Francisco is in desperate need of more green spaces. The 1567 California Street project offers a lushly intimate, park-like court that is a welcome respite from the bustling mercantile corridor just beyond the new housing project. Like a miniature Tivoli Gardens, it provides material richness and after-hours lighting to allow for an extended use into even the darkest seasons for its diverse community to enjoy throughout the year.

Location: California Street, San Francisco

Owner/Client: Michael Lee

Scope: Courtyard Space

Status: In Progress
