Defining "Home"

Posted on Sep 10, 2014

Our Principal Architect, Andrew Dunbar, participated in the Novedge panel for “How to Succeed in Architecture: Third Places – The Architecture of Sharing”.

Each panelist was asked to explain what the term “Home” means to them in their personal life and in their practice.

Home, of course, works on many levels. I think at the very basic level it’s a kind of center… not so much geographical, it is ontological. It has a lot to do with meaning. It has very broad repercussions but also very specific qualities that belong to a sense of safety, protection and place.

My home is a city, but it’s also a place.

I’ve allowed San Francisco to change me. I’ve permitted the nesting of San Francisco to have affected me in such a way that I can be perceived as a San Franciscan.

We make it our own, and from that centering point, we are ourselves. – Dunbar

Andrew Dunbar Screenshot














The full video can be found here.