Parking Day 2011 Photos

Posted on Sep 23, 2011

Parking Day 2011, a set on Flickr.

We’re happy to share photos from our  successful Park(ing) Day 2011 Parklet, which was installed in front of 826 Valencia.  This year’s installation, titled the “paARRRrk-let!” was a temporary tree nursery and social space, which illustrated how the volume of one parking space (800 cubic feet) is the necessary volume for one urban tree to establish its roots and thrive.  We had many visitors to the parklet throughout the day, and for those of you that stopped by, we thoroughly enjoyed sharing our installation and the great weather with you!  For those that weren’t able to join us, there is a link above to our Flickr photostream, so you can see the process behind the paARRRrk-let and some images of its install.

For more information on 826 Valencia, be sure to visit their website.